Two weeks ago my father helped Pam & Connie move the rest of my mothers belongings over from Neenah and yesterday mom had a burst of energy as she went through some of her bags. It was thoughtful of my dad to help my mom, talk about forgiveness...
Today mom wanted me to take her to the Laundromat to wash her blankets. The thought that came to mind was servant hood. I am called to serve just like Christ. He came as a man to serve and save the lost. I want to be more like Jesus. I feel blessed that God has given me this opportunity to love and care for my mother during this time. I know He has something to show me and I pray that I will have a teachable spirit.
Our time at the Laundromat was precious. We shared a bottle of green tea together and as we waited, I asked mom if I could have her hand, and for a moment her hand was in mine. When I was a child my mom held my hand, now I will hold hers.
I am reading this book "May I Walk You Home ?" By Rossi. It's an easy read and inspirational. I believe it will help me do what God has called me to do for my mom. I was a little afraid that I would not know what to say or how to help with my mom's illness and I was feeling an urgency for her salvation but once again I realized that God's timing is perfect and He will give me words of wisdom when it's needed. I won't be able to help walk my mom home without the help of a Savior. I am nothing without Him.
Thought of the day:
Galatians 5:13 For you have been called to live in freedom - not freedom to satisfy your sinful nature, but freedom to serve one another in love.
We have a choice, we can serve our sin or we can do the right thing and glorify God by serving others. And not just to do it because we should but serve out of real love and compassion, the kind God would accept.
Oh Tara you will always treasure those memories of Mary holding your hand when you were young and now of you holding Marys hand. I also was remembering the time I took Mary to a church service out side and then we picnic at a park and I went swimming while Mary sat on a chair watching me.I'm glad she felt better to go to the laundry mat. I am sure that the Holy Spirit will give you the words when it is Gods timing for them to be spoken to Mary. I pray that Gods grace be upon you and that he holds you in the palm of his hand while he guides you with the other hand to do his will towards your mom in Jesus Christs name I pray! Love & Blessings Aunt Sharon
Aunt Sharon,
You have the gift of encouragement. Thank you for your kind words and your love and support. I know that you have gone through so much yourself lately with the loss of Brad and this thing with Nicole but know that in your obedience to God; He will be faithful to you. I Love you!
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