Friday, January 4, 2008

It's been a long time!

Bronson, Brinley, Fayth
Dawson & Ethan

Dad, Pam & Me

Ben & Tara

Sister's cracking up!

Thank you to all of you who read my blog and want to read more... I have been getting e-mails and phone calls asking me to update my blog!'s my thoughts on worship!

And some updated pictures!

Love ya!


"But the time is coming and is already here when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for anyone who will worship him that way. For God is spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:23-24

Well what does that mean? I don't claim to have all the right answers but God knows I'm searching and if your searching too then let's find out together.

Worshipping God can come in many different forms but today let's just talk about worship through music.

God is Spirit, he is present everywhere. It doesn't matter the time or the place, what matters is how we worship our creator. What is our attitude when we come before God? Is it genuine? We are called to give him our praise and adoration with everything we have, with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. It is not God's intention for us just to sing the words, it's so much more...God longs to connect with us in such a deep and intimate way. When it says in Scripture worship in Spirit, well God is spirit and if we are filled with the Holy Spirit by accepting Christ into our hearts than we have a connection with God that is on a different level. The Holy Spirit is the one who guides us into the presence of God.

Now what does it mean to worship in truth? It comes from God's word. The bible is God breathed which means it's all truth and God has given us his word to help us in a our spiritual journey with Him. If you believe in his promises and believe in His love for you... then you know truth!

Worship is to surrender. I know that it's not an easy thing to do! It can be very difficult to humble ourselves before the author of life BUT... oh when we do God in return will bless you! I know for me when I am struggling to give myself over to Him it's usually because I am hanging on to some anger or unforgiveness or guilt, and some time's a little bit of pride. I am learning that before I even spend time in worship I need to pray about all the things I just mentioned.

Worship is not something we only do on a Sunday morning, God intended for us to worship Him Sunday through Saturday. If you are finding it hard to worship Him on Sunday, I would boldly suggest that you may want to think about what I just said. I really believe that we are missing out on valuable time with God when we choose to have our busy life come before Him. I also feel that if you are taking that time during the week than Sunday morning will come easier for you.

Now I know that the style of music on a Sunday morning can also be an issue for some, may I take a moment to share my point of view on this issue. I grew up in a church of almost 1000 people. We were somewhat charismatic. We had expressive worship and a really awesome praise team. When I moved to where I live now, our family joined a very tiny Wesleyan Church with mostly a traditional service. I share that with you because God had to teach me... but also use me to teach other's that worship comes from within, not the style of worship but the heart of worship.

A dear friend recently shared with me that she doesn't think that to worship God you have to raise your hands, bow or kneel to the ground to show him your love. I absolutely agree with that to a certain extent. I believe that you can "quietly" love the Lord but I also believe there should be a time in which you show an ACT of worship as the bible describes over and over again. I found a lot of Scripture on this but look up Philippians 2:10; Romans 14:11 and Isaiah 45:23. I think some people freak out and think we are going to get all crazy, no it's not about getting all weird, it's about stepping forward, sometimes out of our comfort zone to say yes Jesus I love you! and I don't care what people think! It's all about you! It's all about you! What is humbling ourselves anyway? Isn't it putting ourselves out there to be vulnerable? And why not give that "weakness" over to God.

There are a few things I want to express to you:

1. It's not about us. When we give to Him what he deserves we get something back in return.

2. Worship God everyday so when Sunday rolls around you are able to focus on Him instead of the style of music.

3. It's OK to humble yourself before your Maker. Don't look to the left or the right and worry about what other people are thinking. Look up! He's the only One we need approval from.

4. There will come a time when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Don't waste your time on earth missing out on the full opportunity to Worship Jesus NOW.

May God continue to richly Bless each and everyone of you!

I look forward to your comments, thoughts and ideas.

God Bless!