Thanks everyone!
Barb, mom’s friend of 32 years rode along with Pam so she could visit with her. Barb has three girls, Michelle, Carrie and Shawn and we still remain in contact with all of them and their families. It’s been nice having long time friends like the McKinnon girls.
Mom and Barb were upstairs talking for long time. I pray there conversation was meaningful. I’m sure it’s difficult; this is hard on all of us. It’s not easy to see someone you love dying. Although I will never doubt God’s healing power and if He decides to heal her...that would be an amazing.
Mom was in some pain today; she was feeling stiff in her hip. She had a stomach ache too. She did eat more today so I don’t know if that’s what it's from. She’s been sleeping since 4:00 p.m. when most everyone left the party. I wish there was something I could do for her. She was sharing with my friend Stephanie, Barb and my mother in law Lynda that she feels good for the most part and doesn't' understand how the cancer is affecting her body. Her lungs feel good and that's where the cancer started. We meet with the oncologist on Friday so I will be able to ask some difficult questions.
As a Christian I know God has something to show me. He wants me to take this experience and learn something valuable. God is teaching me to serve, to fill the need. Most importantly He wants to show my mom His everlasting love and compassion. He is longing for her to draw near to Him and accept God’s Son who came to earth, died and rose again for you and me.
Time to go check on mom!
1 Corinthians 7:17 You must accept whatever situation the Lord has put you in, and continue on as you were when God first called you.
Hi MaryJane and Tara, I wish the best for my sister MaryJane,, she always could wiggle her nose like a little rabbit... Tara writes from the heart and with love. May there be a Holy Miracle of Physical and spiritual healings... We pray for you MaryJane.. I love you... Carol
HI Aunt Carol,
Thank you for your words of comfort. I'll have to have mom wiggle her nose for me :)
Hope all is going with you and Uncle Vernon. We are praying for you as well.
Love Tara
Hi again, I"m glad Mary got to see Barb.It probably was good to get it out to her friend. I hope she is feeling better today, tonight also. I'm glad Ethan had a good time.I believe in my heart that Mary is experiencing some type of healing from our Lord,I don't know what. Your mom could also touch her tongue to her nose. Ask her if she can still do that. Love you all. Aunt Sharon
Ha Ha that's so funny, I remember her doing that when I was a child!!!! I will ask her tomorrow when she is awake. Hey I can fit my whole fist in my mouth. Nothing to be so proud of....Love ya
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