Mom's radiation treatment went very quick today; we were in and out in 20 minutes. The pain is still there but has lessened so she has been using her walker instead of her wheelchair. The fatigue is still very prevalent, her body needs rest. I was glad she ate better today; she was looking forward to my spaghetti! So when we got home from Ethan's party, I made her dinner. She says I'm a good cook, I get that from her!
I just went up there to tuck her in bed but she was watching a movie and didn't want to be disturbed. She shooed me out when I was trying to talk to her during wheel of fortune too! Mom always did like her T.V.
Mom told me today that she wants her cat's ashes to be put in the urn with her, so I wonder who is going to catch him after she passes! Lucky is almost 16 years old and he is feistier then ever! Mom loves Lucky; he has been a companion for her all these years. He has mom's temperament. I can see why they love each other so much.
To end today’s blog I would like to go to:
Proverbs 3:21-26 My child, don’t lose sight of good planning and insight. Hang on to them, for they fill you with life and bring you honor and respect. They keep you safe on your way and keep your feet from stumbling. You can lie down without fear and enjoy pleasant dreams. You need not be afraid of disaster or the destruction that comes upon the wicked, for the Lord is your security. He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap.
God gives us wisdom if we ask for it. I pray that during this time with my mother that I will seek His guidance and gain understanding and knowledge. I want to do what’s best for her. I know most people don’t like talking about death or planning your last days and believe me; God can heal my mother in a heart beat but whatever His will, I want to help prepare her for eternity.

Happy Birthday Ethan! I loved the picture of you and Mary outside. Maybe if God doesn't heal Mary he will take her and Lucky both so they can both be together. Lucky will be heart sick without her so let us pray for a miracle for Mary. If and when the time comes for Lucky to go and If Mary is gone either Mike or I will catch Lucky but I don't think there will be any fight left in him by then. I think he really likes it there so many different things going on he seems to have gotten perkier. All my love Aunt Sharon
Hi Aunt Sharon,
I am so glad you and the family are reading my blog. I am praying for a miricle...I know God know's my heart and yours and mom's. I put my trust in Him. I know you do too! Mom wants Lucky to get a hair cut...Ha Ha who's gonna catch him for that??? Love ya
I absolutely love this picture of the two of you! THANKS Tara for all you have done for grandma. We are all lucky she has a daughter like you. Thanks for making it possible for the family to come together!!! i love you Tara and family, and of course grandma!!!
love always,
ashley and jayden
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