Last weeks ct scan showed that there was no change except in the lower right lung which showed that the "spot" that was once thin is now solid. A tiny bit of growth. The doctor wanted to have mom get a pet scan taken to show more accurate results. We received those results today and it showed that there is activity in the lower right lung and in the pelvic area, which means the cancer is active and growing. They have given mom a few options, she can either take chemo again or just monitor it over the coarse of time or the third option not recommended is for her to do radiation if approved. We obviously were sadden by this news...It was like getting the news all over again. Mom shared that she has been putting her trust in God and she doesn't understand why He just doesn't heal her. It's not that God can't heal her, He could if He wants to...But His plan is better then ours. No matter what, His plan is always better even through suffering. I see so many wonderful things that have come out of this illness. Salvation for mom, healing of hearts, family drawing near, more time with mom and so much more...I praise God. I am not saying that this experience hasn't been difficult, it has but I also have witness the power of God at work and He deserves the glory for that. What ever challenges we face whether for mom, for me, for you, we need to be ready and prepared for what will happen after this earthy body passes. God says in His word that He comes for the one who is obedient to His commands not just the one who believes, He is looking for the one who will pick up their cross and carry it for Jesus.
Luke 9:23:27 Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God."To me this Scripture is clear; to follow Jesus means to be completely dedicated, a willingness of obedience and selflessness. And daily saying what can I do for you Lord. Jesus talks about whoever loses his life for me in all four gospels and in two of them more than once. No other saying of Jesus is given so much emphases. If we set aside our own desires we will gain so much more through the Son of Man. One who is more concerned with what please himself than what pleases Christ will have no place in the Kingdom of Heaven. The words are Cristal clear.
I pray that God would give you understanding to His truth. God Bless


Pictures of mom, Pam and Aunt Sharon fishing over at Todd's
MJ-I'm not sure what God's plan is, but I have faith that he knows what he's doing, even when we think He must have forgotten He already have is our share! You have been & will continue to be a great inspiration to those around you. I think & pray for you often! Take care, Love, Tracie PS, the Betty's say hello!
Hi Mary Jane, My prayers are with you always. On that picture of you and Sharon fishing, you remind me so much of my mom. I can't believe she's been gone for 20 yrs now. I love you so much. Hang in there. God truly loves you as we all do. Kathy p
Thanks everyone for your prayers and comments, it means a lot to both mom and me. Her spirits seem better. Love Tara
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