Sunday, January 11, 2009

Letters From The Heart 27

I had a long week with home schooling and I was not feeling well and I had a doctors appointment that I was a little anxious about, the week was tiresome so that may have played a factor as to why I was feeling the way I felt this week; like I was spiritually resting. Come today, Sunday I didn’t “feel” like going to church. I ask God “What is it that you want me to change.” He spoke so loud and clear…I work in you, you don’t have to and you can’t do it on your own! Oh…oh. Talk about humility. I thought I figured that one out already. The problem I was facing is not important, what God wanted me to change was. I was being a hindrance to my own spiritual wellbeing…ouch that hurts. So here I am reevaluating myself; asking God what He wants me to learn, again! He’s always teaching me something, the question is am I willing to be obedient. He is my teacher, I am the student.

I have this beautiful moment in time to watch my mother grow in the Spirit. We are reading together, she’s reading the bible on her own, her attitude is softer, and she’s sweeter, kinder and so delightful to be around. I am witnessing how God is moving through her everyday. It’s almost breath taking. We live by faith not by sight but I see; I see His Majesty. I pray that God will heal her and that she can be a witness for Him. Mom did not use her body as the Holy temple that it is. She abused it for many years; drinking, smoking, etc… and she quit, she is gaining strength each new day and what a testimony it is already but God’s not done with her, I just know it.

I just want to talk about our bodies being a Holy temple and this really goes out to all my loved one’s still drinking and/or smoking. This is difficult because you never want to hurt someone’s feelings but I am not speaking on my own accord, I am speaking from God.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

He has created us to be in His image, he made us, and we are something unique and special. God calls us to take care of His extraordinary creation, that YOU…

When we become God’s chosen people, He wants us to be transformed by the way we think so if you think you can’t quit, you are thinking with the worlds standards…

Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Pray with me right now.

Heavenly Father, I thank you Father for the beauty of your creation. Thank you for giving me life and breath. Lord I am sorry that I have abused and neglected my body. I know that my body is a Holy Temple, it’s not mine but yours and I want to treat it will love and honor because I know it glorifies you. Lord I can’t do this on my own, I need your strength. You are a faithful God who will help me in my time of need and when the temptation get’s too overwhelming, I know I can look to you and I can stand firm on your promises. Please help me to be obedient to you. I ask these things in Jesus Name, Amen!

I pray that this is a new time, a new day, a new hour, a new person. That you would allow God to work in you! Do you believe that God can change this for you? Do you have hope in Jesus? Ask God to give you the hunger for change; the thirst for obedience. Stop making excuses, and as I write God has convicted me of my own sin, overeating. We can come together in unity and fight the good fight against Satan. Do you know how happy it makes Satan to see that you and I haven’t fully committed ourselves to God? Do you want to commit with me right now and spit Satan back into the pit where he belongs? Then make a comment on my blog, e-mail me, or call me, whatever you have to do to connect with me and we will come together with God as our strength and we will win because Jesus has already won the victory and when God is on our side who can be against us!


Anonymous said...

I do believe God can change me. I am praying your prayer along with you! I hunger for change! God is our strength.
Love Pam

Mai Page said...

Pam, I love you so much...You are my big sister and I am so blessed to have you in my life. I know that you hungry for renewal, me too! I love you!