It’s Christmas Time!
We had our family Christmas party on Saturday, December 20th, 2008.
We played games like; The Christmas Jar (this game is all about a Christ Centered Christmas), Take Your Pick, Apples to Apples, Linkity and we had our white elephant gift! And we ate and ate and ate! But before we ate we prayed a blessing on us and thanked God for the gift of Jesus. I pray that a tiny seed was planted into the hearts of many.
Mike Jr. and his family were not feeling well; they came down with the flu. They were missed! I pray for a quick recovery and hopefully we will see them soon.
Mom doesn’t know this yet but all of her children put together a tribute for her on video. Each of us took our turn sitting by the fireplace talking to mom from our hearts. She will receive that on Christmas Day. It will be a very special gift.
I soooo see God’s favor in my life…I see Him working in ways that I could never have imagined. God has taken my mothers illness and brought us children closer together and brought mom to Jesus. I received a call from Mike on Sunday, I couldn’t believe it. We talked about God. Mike wanted to know his purpose. I told him that each of us has been blessed with a gift from God and we are to use it for His glory. I told him that this life is preparing us for the future; the future will be either heaven or hell. What we do today matters, do we want to live for ourselves and have eternal agony or live for Jesus and have total peace. Mike said he believes that the devil is real. I said to him; you are right, he is real and he wants your soul. Are you going to let him have it!!! We talked for an hour, PLEASE PLEASE be praying that God will use the words He gave me to bring Mike to salvation. First mom, hopefully Mike….Do you see God’s perfect plan in all of this…God is blessing this family. God’s love is never too late to accept. He is waiting patiently for the lost.
Thank you everyone for your prayers!
Enjoy the pictures and click on them to be enlarged.
We had our family Christmas party on Saturday, December 20th, 2008.
We played games like; The Christmas Jar (this game is all about a Christ Centered Christmas), Take Your Pick, Apples to Apples, Linkity and we had our white elephant gift! And we ate and ate and ate! But before we ate we prayed a blessing on us and thanked God for the gift of Jesus. I pray that a tiny seed was planted into the hearts of many.
Mike Jr. and his family were not feeling well; they came down with the flu. They were missed! I pray for a quick recovery and hopefully we will see them soon.
Mom doesn’t know this yet but all of her children put together a tribute for her on video. Each of us took our turn sitting by the fireplace talking to mom from our hearts. She will receive that on Christmas Day. It will be a very special gift.
I soooo see God’s favor in my life…I see Him working in ways that I could never have imagined. God has taken my mothers illness and brought us children closer together and brought mom to Jesus. I received a call from Mike on Sunday, I couldn’t believe it. We talked about God. Mike wanted to know his purpose. I told him that each of us has been blessed with a gift from God and we are to use it for His glory. I told him that this life is preparing us for the future; the future will be either heaven or hell. What we do today matters, do we want to live for ourselves and have eternal agony or live for Jesus and have total peace. Mike said he believes that the devil is real. I said to him; you are right, he is real and he wants your soul. Are you going to let him have it!!! We talked for an hour, PLEASE PLEASE be praying that God will use the words He gave me to bring Mike to salvation. First mom, hopefully Mike….Do you see God’s perfect plan in all of this…God is blessing this family. God’s love is never too late to accept. He is waiting patiently for the lost.
Thank you everyone for your prayers!
Enjoy the pictures and click on them to be enlarged.
Have a very Blessed Christmas!
2 Corinthians 5:17 Those who become new Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!
Hi Tara, I LOVE the pictures, and the sharing that you do. I check your blog daily to see how things are going, and how Aunt Mary Jane is doing. Jeff (a non-computer person) has even found out how to check your blog on his own!! We try to share with Hank and Lorna the information you provide. They too send their Love!! The family will be at our house this sunday, so I will have them read your entries, and get a chance to see all the wonderful pictures you have taken. The Special Memories you are creating together. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Please give Aunt Mary Jane Our Love!! Have a Blessed Holiday Season. Jeff & Robin
Tara what a great gift Mary would be recieving if Mike recieved Jesus. I have been praying for Mike, Randy,Todd and Connie constantly for the last 3 years especially Mike. The video will be a lovely gift for Mary. I'm sure she enjoyed having her family around her Saturday. You keep talking to your family about the love of Jesus and we all will be praying for their salvation also. Give Mary my love and will try to see her one more time before i get back to work. Love In Christ Aunt Sharon
Hi everyone! I just want to wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I wish I could see everyone at once. But impossible. I see you in my dreams. I love you all. Take care and God Bless you. Mary Jane
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