Saturday, October 9, 2010

Preparing MOM

Picture of Grandma and Fayth, October 2, 2010

It’s been 7 months since my last post…A LOT has happened since then. We have a beautiful new addition to our family, Grayce Pauline Mai. She is precious! We are so blessed! She has brought all of us great joy. I am guilty of not writing because these last few months have been pretty busy!!!

I know many of you have wanted updates on mom; she was doing so good that you wouldn’t have thought she was sick. So here’s just a quick update about the summer months and then I’ll share about the latest on mom.

On May 1, 2010, we honored mom at her 69th birthday! This was a very special day! We were told she probably wasn’t going to make it to her 68th so to see her celebrate her 69th birthday; it was remarkable and goes to show you God is in control.

This summer we had our annual family reunion; we remembered those we lost and were thankful for our loved ones still here. Family reunions are testimonies of growth and change and it’s always so good to hear and see what’s happening with everyone. The “Mulder” team does a fantastic job every year, hats off to them!!!

My niece Kim graduated this year and ALL of mom’s children were there to wish Kimberly the best.

Mom planted her vegetable garden this spring and her beautiful flowers around the house. That brought her so much joy, I could see how much she missed it those years she was living in an apartment and didn’t have room to do her own thing. She canned some tomatoes and blanched some beans. We fried some green tomatoes and used some of the hot peppers for hot dishes. Mom is wanting to go pick her carrots and trim the rose bushes but can’t because she is in a tremendous amount of pain.

Her latest PET scan was in September; it showed that her cancer had grown in new areas in the left hip and doubled in her right lung. Her hemoglobin has been low too so she has received so far three blood transfusions. She is breathing fine and the cancer in the lung doesn’t seem to bother her. The problem is the hip. She has a fracture in that hip bone anyway due to the tumor growing in size and there is nothing they can do for that fracture, there is also nothing they can do for the cancer growing in the hip because they already did radiation twice in that area. The last treatment burnt her skin. Right now we are working on pain management. They are trying new meds and upping some other ones.

She is back to using a walker. I took her for a walk in the wheelchair yesterday with Grayce wrapped in her moby to get some fresh air. It was such a pleasant day with the sun shining and just a slight breeze. We were laughing and looking at the houses, we saw a few critters running around, it was really nice.

We had some friends come over Wednesday night, October 7, 2010, after praying over mom she went upstairs to go to bed and Jesus came to her in a vision, here is what she shared:

“I felt a hand on my back, the hand was BIG and I felt HEAT. I saw this beautiful robe with purple, red and gold colors, all kinds of colors. It was really long. I saw wavy brown hair with a shine to it, it was so shiny…I felt peace.” She looked around and no one was there. She also said she was crying out to her mother, “Mom Mom do you have a room for me, or is there a room for me?” She couldn’t remember if this was before or after the vision.

I believe God is preparing mom for her arrival home… To have Him come to her, not saying anything but feeling Him...amazing. What a sense of peace.

John 14:2
In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.

He has prepared a room for all of us who believe and are willing to obey His commandments.

Each day we get closer to death, we don’t have to have cancer or some illness to realize that our days are numbered. It’s really how you choose to live each day like it’s the last. I choose to follow my Savior Jesus Christ; I choose to love Him no matter what I face in this life. I look forward to the day I get to see Him face to face. This world has nothing to offer but Christ offers salvation and an everlasting invitation to live rent free forever with Him in all of His glory…

He’s prepared a room for you too, will you accept His offer?


Anonymous said...

I just sent MJ a note yesterday, so I'm glad for the update!
When my mother was very ill, she too, had a couple visits that comforted us in knowing that a place was being prepared in Heaven for her.
I pray that MJ will be comfortable on earth until that place is ready!
God Bless you all!

Tara said...

Thank you Tracie, you have always been so kind to my mother. I know she apprecaites all the love and support. She received your card today and it cheered her right up!

Tara said...

I forgot to add that mom has lost a lot of weight, her temp is higher then her weight.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update...I just picked up another card to send to your mom. I miss her - she has been a real blessing to me and an awesome reminder that God answers prayer. I pray for strenght for you too, Tara, because it is not always being a caregiver. You will be blessed beyond measure though - and you will never be sorry you had this time with her.
God Bless!
Connie N.

Anonymous said...

I meant it is not always easy being a caregiver (should have proofed my post first).

Tara said...

Thank you Connie for always being so faithful with letters to mom, They give her a lot of comfort! Today was such a great day, she attended church and felt so good! She came out to lunch with us for Dawson's birthday and she didn't use the walker! Praise God! And Connie your talking to the mis-spell queen! Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

Hi MaryJane, A friend of mine has cancer that settled in her hip also. She had a fracture to. After radiation she had a plate with screws put it her hip to help her be able to walk. She's now going through therepy. I love you. Take care and God Bless you.Kathy P

Anonymous said...

Aunt mj i love you and miss you! I have been praying for you everyday more then normal so i am so happy to hear you are doing good. I will try and get a car to come visit with you soon i hope. I got my new house address is 916 eagle st rhinelander wi 54501. keep up the good work and strength you and i know you can do it. i know there are good and bad days but god is with you aunt mj. love niccie