Tonight we went to the Christmas Parade and saw the beautiful lights and at the end they had fireworks. It was so much fun. While we were gone; mom had some excitement, someone let the snake out…she was walking to the bathroom and saw something outside the closet. She thought it was a fake snake until she saw it moving and the tongue sticking out. She said she almost had a heart attack! I couldn't help but laugh when she told me how she got him back in his cage! I guess she thought Lucky the cat could help her but he just laid there on the bed looking at her and listening to her scream. Mom took a bucket and a green cloth hand bag and got Okeedia back safely in his home. I know she didn't think it was funny but she was so cute telling me all about it, without her bottom teeth! She reminded me of Grandma Mulder.
Thought of the day:
Psalms 126:2 Our mouths are filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.
To funny, I had told her when I was there (what if that snake gets out) I don"t think she heard me. I was telling Charlene about the snake,and that I wouldn"t stay in the same room with a snake. Maybe Lucky let it out thats why he was just lying on the bed watching Mary. It sounds funny but I know at the time it wasn'tShe has more guts then I do. I would of went over to the church and waited until someone came home. Bravo Mary!
Mom laughs about it now...it's a funny story to remember.
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