Team G
Mission trip 2006
November 11-20
There are so many exsperiences to share! My spiritual journey has been altered by this mission trip. The first night we stayed at the gated coundpound, which was pretty neat bunking with 6 girls in one room. As we gathered for dinner it was amazing to see so many people come together for one cause. There were over 120 of us from all over the US. The next day we traveled to Saint Pedro. The drive up the mountains, well let's just say I am glad I am saved because if I wasn't before I sure was after we finished the bus ride! We stay there during the week for VBS, building of the widows house, Happy Feet and part of the crusades. On the day we did Happy Feet I met a girl around 9 -10 years old. I washed her feet which had dirt, and fecies on them. It took 10-12 pairs of shoes before I found the right pair for her. She hugged me so hard and would not let go... she kissed my cheek and thanked me. At that moment I felt like Jesus. How patient, loving and what a servant he was here on earth. I learned that day that even though things may take a little longer; to have patience like Jesus. You never know how you can change someone's life or have your life changed because you served with a loving heart. We were able to minister to 400 children at VBS. You couldn't even walk in the church. It was amazing! Luis was our interpreter and he was great! The children were so eager to get their picture taken so you could show them what they looked like. For two days we spent the night in Antigua but travel to Comalapa for the festival. We were greeted with the most respect and gratitude. I was so impressed and taken back with how they welcomed us. They had the kids' choir dressed in their best clothes, clapping as we entered the church. The women made purses for everyone and they harvested for a year to feed us. I was inspired to be more like the people in Guatemala. The crusades went well and many souls were saved. I was in the choir, which was a miracle in itself! Tony the director reminded me that is wasn't about us but it was about God using us to help bring people to Christ. When I filled out my mission papers the question was asked, "Why do you want to go on this trip?" I anwered that I have many worldly fears which I know God does not want for me and I need to face my fears head on and thrive from this experience. I struggled with my fears but through family and friends covering me with prayer I was able to overcome so much. So even though it's not about us, every step we take to gloify God should engourage us to want to be more like Jesus. One day we visited the devistation area where over 3000 people died last October in a mud slide. My heart was quiet and somber. I thought about how many of them may not have been saved and how it's so important for us to spread the Good News. I have so much more to share but I am going to finish up with saying that everyone should go on at least one mission trip, it will change you life! Please check out the impacto link below and click the tab news to find out more about the trip.
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