Tuesday, September 15, 2009

CT Scan

Mom had a CT scan today and had an allergic reaction. They said after so many, your body can eventually have a bad reaction. They put mom in the ER and pumped her up with medicine. She has to take three different meds for the next few days. When she came out in the waiting room, I knew right away something was wrong. Her eyes were red, watery and swollen, her hands were red and swollen and all over her body she had red blotches that she said itched. She is doing fine now, her hands are still a little puffed up but she will be fine. She is going in tomorrow for a B12 shot so she will be seen then. I have noticed she has been coughing more and once in a while her back seems to bother her. She's been cooking in the kitchen a few times, that's been nice. Yesterday she cut some vines off her morning glory's, they were growing all the way up my roof and around the gutters. Her flower and vegetable garden did so well this year. Mom is so close to being done reading the whole bible...she has a few more books left in the old testament before she completes one of her goals. I am so very very proud of her. She is so sweet.

Mom is stronger in her walk and has great faith. She knows that the Lord will take care of her because she knows His promise.

Deuteronomy 31:6
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."


Anonymous said...

Hi Mary Jane & family!- Sorry to hear about your allergic reaction. Hope you are on the mend! Our life is so busy with the kids in school, me in school, work for me & Dan, I wish there were more hours in the day. Then I think I would just fill those up too! I recently lost my cousin. She had Down Syndrome and was 47, the Dr's said she would never make it to high school. It was a perfect opportunity to witness to a friend of mine who has a child with disablities. I think of you often and hope you are doing well. I miss you! Love, Tracie

Anonymous said...

Hi MaryJane, just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and pray for you often. I love you!!Kathy P