Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I will rejoice in the Lord my God, for His LOVE endures forever and He is faithful! I will praise you Lord for Your healing touch on my mother’s life. I will praise You Lord for your promises, I will praise You Lord for Your Mighty Hand and Your outstretched arm, I will praise You Lord because You are the One and Only True God and I want to serve you all the days of my life. I will praise you God because You are the Miracle Worker in so many ways, I will lift my hands to the heaven because of the joy You bring into my life, I will bow before You because You are worthy of my love and adoration, I will lay prostrate on Your Holy ground because of Your compassion and Your mercy and Your Grace. My God is a great and awesome God and I stand in awe of YOU, LORD!

Mom’s cancer decreased by 80-90%
Praise The Lord Oh My Soul!!!!!

To put it into perspective, mom’s cancer in her right lung was the size of a walnut; it’s now smaller then a pea. And Dr. K said that part may even be just scar tissue.

There is NO cancer found in her lymph nodes! All gone, not a trace to be found!

God does answer prayer…in our obedience to Him. I stand to testify that God hears our prayers and can perform such miracles. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

As I think about my relationship with Jesus, how He has worked in my life; transformed me from the inside out. I could not imagine going through this life without Him. He gives me my strength and my hope. Actually I do remember a time without Him, it was miserable, depressing, I was lost. No Hope! Can you imagine having NO HOPE…I can’t even go there. I know I can get through anything because God has revealed Himself to me and His word is truth.

I pray that mom will continue to live her life for her Savoir. I pray that her faith will grow and produce nutritious fruit. I pray that she will grow in wisdom and knowledge, for the Spirit to be strong in her and that she will seek God in every part of her life. I look forward to her continued transformation. I pray that we all understand that what we do here on earth will determine our future. I pray that we take our role as Christians seriously. To take up the cross and follow Jesus no matter what the cost. He never said it would be easy only worth it!

Thank you for your prayers!

Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is with you,
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with his love,
He will rejoice over you with singing

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Give Him A Chance

Last chemo treatment! Mom received her last chemo treatment yesterday, April 8, 2009. She will have her lab, CT, bone scan and MRI on the 22nd to determine what is happening in her body. This is always a nervous time for us. We are praying for God’s healing touch but also trust that mom’s life is in His hands. Mom seems to be in good spirits and she is looking forward to the warmer months ahead.

Our family just recently went on vacation to visit family in Iowa so Pam came to spend time with mom and apparently they did a lot of shopping!!! And they went to the movies and had a great time together.

I love that we are into the Easter celebration season. This is what our salvation is all about. We have a Father who loves us so much that he sent His only Son for us. Jesus came and lived a perfect life, without Sin but yet He took our sin, our shame and was crucified so we could have eternal life.

A short time ago I was questioned about my faith and why God is worthy of my submission and obedience to Him. It was a great conversation, but it got me thinking… I am a follower of Jesus and as a follower He deserves all of me. As Christians I think we may fall short in the time we give Him, what’s due Him. We can’t just say we are Christians without action. If we are not spending time EVERYDAY in God’s presence we are saying and doing the same thing people who don’t have a relationship with Him. We are showing God that He is not worthy of our time. Way too often we think it’s about ourselves and what rights we have but in truth we are nothing without God. God is worthy of my Praise and Worship and Why? His word, the bible tells us unmistakably that He is Worthy. You can also read it in a book “Worship Is…What?” By Tom Kraeuter.

God is worthy of our worship because:

1. He is God ~ Psalm 95:7
2. He Commands it ~ Psalm 148: 1:3 & John 4:23:24
3. He is Worthy ~ Psalm 18:3
4. For His Faithfulness ~ Psalm 100:5
5. For His Love ~ 2 Chronicles 20:21
6. For His Greatness ~ Psalm 95:3
7. For His Salvation ~ Psalm 27:1
8. For His Mighty Deeds ~ Psalm 145:4-6
9. For His Holiness ~ Psalm 99:3,5
10. For His Creation ~ Rev. 4:11
11. For His Power ~ Rev. 11:17
12. For His Miracles ~ Matthew 9:8

I desire to have a more intimate and deeper relationship with Jesus. There is hope in Him. He gave us life and breath…I don’t claim to know it all and God is still changing me and molding me and I don’t want to stay the same, I hunger and thirst for more of Him in my life. I have had a lot of suffering in my life…I had a mother who was an alcoholic, a father an over the road truck driver, I was abandon by my family so as a teen I spent most of my time in foster homes, shelter homes, halfway houses, group homes, jail, treatment centers for drugs. I was raped countless times, placed a baby up for adoption, lost a baby 4 years ago…my mother has a critical illness…the list can go on…What I hope that you get from my short story is that in all that brokenness and hurt, God healed me and gave me an everlasting future with Him. He spoke truth and life back into me. He can and will work in your life, ask seek knock and the door shall be open to you.

I know some of you are going through things I am not and maybe I will never encounter what you are facing. Maybe you are angry and don’t understand why a God so amazing would ever let anything like that happen to you or maybe you don’t believe in Him at all. There’s a lot of questions to be answered, open His bible…He’s available to you wherever your at. Give Him a chance to help you, what can it hurt?

For some reason I can't get the link to work by just clicking on it, please copy and paste into your address bar. It's a beautiful song.